The COGNIPLANT solution provides hierarchical monitoring and supervisory control that create a comprehensive view of plant production performance and energy and resource consumption; training should cover explanation of the COGNIPLANT developed results and of the use case specific application, while the workshop should cover what problems can COGNIPLANT solve.

To set up the training activities for the COGNIPLANT project, a phased and structured approach involving the four end-user companies (end-users) of the project was adopted.

Four use cases

The training sessions were organized to take place between May and June 2023.

Training material

Training materials for the training sessions served to provide detailed and structured information about the COGNIPLANT solution and the techniques and methodologies used to implement it. This training material could consist of manuals, guides, video tutorials, practical examples, and presentations that provided clear and concise information on the concepts and functionality of the COGNIPLANT solution. The training materials were intended to facilitate learning and understanding of the COGNIPLANT solution and its applications by providing detailed information on its architecture and core functionality. In addition, the training material was used as a reference for users who wished to learn more about the COGNIPLANT solution and acquire the skills needed to successfully implement it in their own production processes.

The training material for the training sessions was essential to ensure that participants gained a deep understanding of the COGNIPLANT solution and its applications. The training material provided detailed and structured information about the COGNIPLANT solution and facilitated learning, enabling participants to acquire the skills needed to successfully implement the solution in their production processes.
The communication material was finalised for the start of the first training, which was held in May. The promotion of the activities started with the communication of the event a few days before, postcards and posters shared online were used. Before the trainings, the updated template was circulated to present the actions and results achieved by the members.
This material can be found here on our website and you can download it to consult it.


Questionnaires are an important tool used in industrial training to assess the level of learning of participants, gather feedback on the course and identify areas for improvement. In particular, questionnaires can be used to measure the level of knowledge acquired during the course: participants can be asked questions about the course content to assess how much they have learnt and whether they are able to apply what they have learnt in practice. Furthermore, to evaluate the effectiveness of the course: questionnaires may be used to collect feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the course, the usefulness of the information provided and the quality of the teaching material. Identify areas for improvement: through the participants’ feedback, it is possible to identify areas in which the course can be improved, e.g. in structure, content or mode of presentation.
Two questionnaires were created for the COGNIPLANT project, one for the training part and the other for the workshop part, you can participate in the survey by clicking on the following two links.


The questionnaire for training activities was set up as using multiple-choice questions and questions involving an open-ended response of a few lines. It is a short questionnaire to make the user take a short time in doing it without interrupting it before the end.


The questionnaire for the workshop has been set up differently. It will be compulsory at first to enter one’s email, then there will be a compulsory choice and compulsory filling in the degree of satisfaction with some content. Finally, the possibility of entering a short open-ended response.